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Др Миодраг Грбић

гостујући професор
Miodrag (Mike) Grbic’ is associate professor at the University of Western Ontario (Canada) leading Arthropod and agricultural  genomic program. 
Образовање и квалификације

Dr. Grbic’ obtained his Undergraduate and Masters degree in Entomology from the University of Novi Sad (Yugosolavia/Serbia). As a Fulbright fellow his completed his Ph.D. degree at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA majoring in Developmental Biology and Entomology. Following postdoctoral degree at the University of Cambridge, UK (Wellcome Trust Institute) as Human Frontier in Science postdoctoral fellow, he established his laboratory at the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Grbic’ led the team that sequenced the first chelicerate genome, the genome of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (funded by DOE/JGI), major agricultural pest and currently his group is studying plant-pest interactions and application of genomics approaches in agriculture and pest control (work funded by Genome Canada, OGI, ORF) http://www.spidermite.org/gapm/ . Dr. Grbic’ is recipient of the Premier’s Research Excellence Award (Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology of Ontario, Canada), Marie Curie Incoming International Fellowship (EU), is Visiting Professor at the University of La Rioja, Spain, serves as section editor of journal Arthropod Structure and Development and is one of founders of biotech company Nanomitech http://www.nanomitech.com .
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E-mail: dekanat@bio.bg.ac.rs
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